Rally Rego
Please click on the tabs below to view the process for a New Rally Rego Application or a Rally Rego Renewal.
You can use the Map below to locate your local Rally Rego approved AMSAG Scrutineer, just click on the icon for the Scrutineer and it will state Yes if they are approved to complete a Rally Rego inspection for you.
For all New Rally Registration Applications, the following process will need to be followed:-
Download the following forms then make a booking with your local Rally Rego Inspector.
- AMSAG NSW RVS Inspection Form (RVSIFV1)
- AMSAG NSW RVS Rally Vehicle Agreement (RVSRVAV1)
- RMS Application for Conditional Registration
- NSW Rally Vehicle Declaration Form
If your brakes are modified beyond the standard equipment fitted to your vehicle when it was originally manufactured, you will be required to have a Plate Brake Test completed. Your Rally Rego Inspector will be able to refer you to the local Plate Brake Testing location. if the brakes are not modified, then a Spike Stop Test will need to be conducted. A copy of the Test Result will need to be included with the Rally Rego Application.
Once the Plate Brake Test has been completed, you can then have the vehicle inspected by the Rally Rego Inspector.
Upon completion of the vehicle inspection, email all of the above documents in .PDF Format (please note: .JPG files cannot be accepted, they MUST be in .PDF format) to rallyrego@amsag.com.au
Please Ensure the Responsible Person section on both the Inspection Form and RMS Rally Vehicle Declaration Form is left blank as this is the section we need to sign to approve the application.
We will then digitally sign and return the documents back to you. We will also send you an Original Copy of the signed RMS Rally Vehicle Declaration which you will need to take into Service NSW along with the Original Conditional Registration Application Form (Original signatures are required by Service NSW) as well as proof of ownership for the vehicle into either Richmond Service NSW if you want to collect the plates on the spot, or to your local Service NSW if you are happy for the plates to be mailed back to the local Service NSW for collection (this process normally takes 5-7 business days). Service NSW will not accept the digitally signed Rally Vehicle Declaration Form, this is for your records only.
For all Rally Registration Renewal Applications, the following process will need to be followed:-
Download the following forms then make a booking with your local Rally Rego Inspector.
If your brakes have been modified since the previous rally rego inspection, you will be required to have a Plate Brake Test completed. Your Rally Rego Inspector will be able to refer you to the local Plate Brake Testing location. If no changes have been made to the braking system then a Spike Stop Test will need to be conducted and a copy of the test print out supplied with the renewal application.
Upon completion of the vehicle inspection, email all of the above documents in .PDF Format (please note: .JPG files cannot be accepted, they MUST be in .PDF format) to rallyrego@amsag.com.au
Please Ensure the Responsible Person section on both the Inspection Form and RMS Rally Vehicle Declaration Form is left blank as this is the section we need to sign to approve the application.
We will then digitally sign and return the documents back to you. We will also send you an Original Copy of the signed RMS Rally Vehicle Declaration which you will need to take into Service NSW to pay for the rego renewal. Service NSW will not accept the digitally signed Rally Vehicle Declaration Form, this is for your records only.