Nominations for 2024 Executive and Sporting Committee

23rd February 2024
The following Nominations were received for the 2024 AMSAG Executive and Sporting Committees

The following Nominations were received for the 2024 AMSAG Executive and Sporting Committees:-

President - 1 Nomination - Michael Bannon

Vice President - 1 Nomination - Dave Aitchison

Secretary - 1 Nomination - Caroline Appelbee

Treasurer - 1 Nomination - Peter Crich

Club Captain - 2 Nominations - Zyg Ryter & Stuart Southam

As two nominations have been submitted for the role of Club Captain, a ballot will be held at the AGM for the role to be decided. Each nominee will be given the opportunity to speak to the attendees prior to voting being completed.

Sporting Committee - 7 Nominations - Stuart Southam, Michael Hutchins, Arthur Evans, Arron Topliff, Jaime Bannon, Mark Bramble & Wade Ryan

We look forward to seeing everyone at the AGM tomorrow morning.

Thank you to those who are unable to attend and have sent in their apologies and Proxy Forms.


AMSAG Executive

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