Presentation Dinner Cancelled

12th February 2023
Important Announcement regarding the 2022 Presentation Dinner.
Unfortunately we have had to make the hard decision to cancel the Presentation Dinner.
We simply did not have enough tickets purchased to be able to proceed with the event.

Important Announcement regarding the 2022 Presentation Dinner.

Unfortunately we have had to make the hard decision to cancel the Presentation Dinner.

We simply did not have enough tickets purchased to be able to proceed with the event.

This is a disappointing result as we were so looking forward to catching up with everyone after several years of not being able to celebrate our season.

Arrangements will be made for trophies to be presented to all winners shortly. Once details have been confirmed we will make another announcement.

All persons who have purchased tickets will be emailed shortly to provide bank details so we can arrange refunds accordingly.

The AGM will still be proceeding as planned.

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