2022 Calendar Announcement
30th July 2021

AMSAG are pleased to announce our 2022 Calendar for the AMSAG Southern Cross Rally Series.
Due to the current Covid climate, we have made the decision to put the Midstate Freight Rallysprint Series on hold temporarily. We feel that having a large number of events is detrimental due to the ever evolving situation with Lockdowns and other factors.
As a result, we will look to move forward in 2022 with a reduced amount of events with some back up dates in case of situations arising causing an event to not be able to run on the original date.
The calendar will now be as follows:-
26th February - Test Day - Location TBA
12th-13th March - Round 1 - North Coast Rally - Location TBA, this event will run in a different location to previous years. And yes, that's right, it will be a 2 day event! We will make a further announcement on the location in due course. We will also have a back up date for this event of 23rd-24th July.
7th May - Round 2 - Orange - this event will follow the traditional one day, all daylight event with a new location for the HQ and Service Park. We also have a back up date of 6th August for this event.
3rd September - Round 3 - Rosewood - this event will also follow along traditional one day event, with some day and night stages and a daylight only short event for those not wanting to run at night.
8th October - Round 4 - Walcha - we are excited to try and launch this new event following the false start in 2020 due to the original Covid outbreak. This event will feature some roads not used in many years so should be a great challenge to competitors new and old
5th-6th November - Round 5 - Oberon - a 2 day Oberon Rally, how's that for a bit of nostalgia. We look forward to bringing more details out about this event as the year progresses.
We feel like our 2022 Calendar brings a mixture of everything, 2 day events, day night events and daylight only, something for everyone.
Here's hoping for a better year next year.
AMSAG Executive